
The easiest way to set up Direct Routing/Enterprise Voice in Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business

Start creating dial plans!

Global Reverse Number Lookup

Want to know what country a particular phone number is from? Is that UK number a landline or someone's mobile phone? The reverse number lookup table uses the same database as the dialplan generator. If something is incorrect with a non-North American number, send a notification so it can be fixed (coming soon). Uses the Reverse Number Lookup API.

Number Range Regex Calculator

Enter a range of digits and the Range Regex Calculator will return the regular expression for that range. Ideal for phone number and extension ranges. Uses the RegexRange API.

Configure Direct Routing/Enterprise Voice globally in a few minutes!

Every country in the world has their own set of rules for how telephone numbers can be dialed. It is very difficult for telephony administrators who do not live in those countries to fully understand and implement effective dial plans for their telephony system.

At the same time, configuring Direct Routing in Microsoft Teams and Enterprise Voice in Skype for Business is a time-consuming, daunting process for even experienced administrators. Microsoft does not provide much guidance outside of a few specific examples, which leaves administrators guessing how to proceed.

UCDialPlans.com is designed to vastly simplify the work required to create dial plans for 232 countries (alphabetical order/country code order). Using an extensively researched, privately-owned database of each individual country's specific dialing patterns translated into standard "regular expressions", UCDialPlans.com is able to automatically create detailed dial plans for all flavours of Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business.

The end result is a full set of normalization rules, routes, PSTN usages and outbound translation rules that provide administrators with unprecedented control over their Teams Direct Routing or Skype for Business Enterprise Voice deployment. Users benefit by being able to dial any number in any way with a higher success ratio that increases overall user satisfaction.

How it works


Select location

Select the country and city/area code for the target dial plan. UCDialPlans.com has detailed dial plans for 232 countries.


Configure options

Customize your dial plan by adding options such as custom naming conventions, call-park, premium number blocking and internal extensions.


Generate script

Press a single button to generate a customized PowerShell script that's ready to be executed in your environment.


Run the script

Run the PowerShell script in your Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business environment and be done in just a few minutes!

Loads of Features

UCDialPlans.com has many features that make deploying Teams Direct Routing and Enterprise Voice a breeze. By utilizing some of the more advanced features of a UCDialPlans.com generated script, administrators can create cost-effective and fault-tolerant dial plans that will work in nearly any situation.

Dial rules for every call class

Dial rules for nearly every country can recognize every class of call, including local, national, international, mobile, tollfree, premium and service numbers.

Easy control over dialing authorization

Administrators can easily prevent users from making unauthorized calls. Predefined voice policies can limit members to making only local or national calls, and are set to prevent calls to premium numbers by default.

Local dialing rules for North American numbers

In North America, it's often hard to tell if a number is local or long-distance until actually dialed. UCDialPlans.com takes care of this, ensuring every call succeeds on the first try.

Email notification for dial rule updates

Local dialing areas for North America change frequently. UCDialPlans.com can send email updates with any dial plan changes on a regular basis.

Easily add extension ranges

Add up to 50 internal extension ranges for MS Teams, Skype for Business or external PBXs. UCDialPlans.com will create all the necessary normalization and routing rules. Makes legacy support easy!

Allow selective caller ID blocking

Using unique normalization and routing rules, give users the ability to replace their caller ID with another number on a call-by-call basis.

More information

Least-cost/failover routing

UCDialPlans.com can automatically configure voice policies to provide least-cost routing and failover routing so you can ensure telephony high availability and minimize tolls.

More information

Location-based routing

Keep cross-site audio traffic to a minimum by utilizing features originally intended for toll compliance in countries like India.

More information

Block premium calling for all

Utilizing the built-in Skype for Business Announcement Service in a creative way, UCDialPlans.com can block premium number dialing for all users with custom audio alerting and optional administrator notifications.

More information

Call Park Support

Gives Skype for Business administrators the ability to create call park number ranges in seconds.

Custom PowerShell parameters

Allows for automation of dial plan deployments and unlocks advanced features that are useful in complex situations.

More information

Years of experience

All the Enterprise Voice knowledge I've gleaned from years of Lync/Skype for Business deployments is incorporated into this tool. Most of the features here were added to make my own life easier, and I'm happy to share with the world.

JSON APIs Now Available!

Use UCDialplans JSON APIs to programatically access the low-level dial rules for every country in the world. Create your own custom dial plan deployment scripts, manage billing, or enhance an existing application with the information that is trusted by thousands of customers around the world. Learn how to leverage the UCDialplans APIs in your solution.

Query API

Returns regular expressions for local, national, mobile, tollfree, premium and service numbers worldwide

API details on SwaggerHub

Reverse Number Lookup API

Enter a phone number and the RNL API will return the country, city/areacode and type of number

API details on SwaggerHub

Regex Range API

Enter a numeric range and the API will return the regex that encompasses that range. Ideal for phone number ranges!

API details on SwaggerHub

Other Helpful Scripts

Several scripts are available that can help you manage your Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams deployment. All scripts are freely available on my Github page.

Migrate EV from SfB to Teams

Easily migrate your existing Skype for Business Enterprise Voice configuration to Microsoft Teams with a single script.

Get it from Github

Backup/Restore Teams EV

Backup and restore your Microsoft Teams voice settings, including tenant dialplans, online voice policies, routes and more!

Get it from Github

Trusted by thousands

Since its inception in 2010, UCDialPlans.com (originally the Lync Optimizer) has been used by thousands of administrators and Skype for Business consultants worldwide. Its rulesets have been deployed to the smallest business up to the largest multinational corporations.

Usage Statistics
(since October 2013)

Registered users : 12686
Countries supported : 232
Cities/regions : 51539
Rulesets generated : 92726
Average rulesets per user : 7
Busiest Day : Wednesday
Busiest Hour : 9 AM (EST)
Total extension ranges : 39020
Most Used Ruleset Name : Test
Supported languages : 34

Top 10 Countries
(total ruleset count)

United States : 22588
United Kingdom : 7958
Germany : 6916
Canada : 5247
Australia : 4416
Netherlands : 3617
Argentina : 2770
France : 2237
Brazil : 2156
Belgium : 2036

Top 10 Cities/Regions
(total ruleset count)

London, UK : 1987
Non-Geographic, UK : 1853
Central East, AU : 1778
Brussels, BE : 1079
South East, AU : 1074
Singapore, SG : 1065
Denver, US : 808
São Paulo, BR : 808
Queensland, AU : 787
Paris, FR : 776

About the author

The Hoff

Ken Lasko is a Senior Product Manager for Nectar who makes a very robust network and VOIP analytics platform. He was a Teams/Skype for Business MVP for almost 10 years. Turns out that the continued work on UCDialPlans.com wasn't enough to keep him in the MVP circle in perpetuity.

His favorite pastimes include running down beaches in slow-motion, talking to cars, cultivating his chest hair and staring blankly at random people and/or objects.

UCDialPlans.com is the result of countless hours of development (mostly late at night, so any issues can be attributed to lack of sleep), that would have probably taken an actual developer much less time. You see, Ken is NOT a software developer, despite any evidence to the contrary. He learns via Google, and codes via Notepad++, usually with much trial-and-error (emphasis on ERROR).

If you find UCDialPlans.com useful and wish to support future development and hosting costs, please consider donating. It will help me believe that I could someday retire off the riches generated via this tool.

Contact Ken via any of the methods below:

Copyright © 2024 by Ken Lasko
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North American raw data provided by www.localcallingguide.com